评审专家 Experts

Marshall Goldsmith马歇尔-古德史密斯 先生


邵宁 先生
美国马里兰大学史密斯商学院亚洲区首席代表兼执行总监,邵宁先生全权负责史密斯商学院在亚洲的项目运作。作为一名商业发展战略及公共事务领域的专家,20年来,他曾为一百多家国际公司、政府机构和非政府组织在华业务提供咨询服务。同时,他也是马里兰州与中国公-私伙伴关系的创建者,并从1993年开始负责管理马里兰州的在华项目。近年来,他组织并领导一支来自 Interpublic集团的项目组,为2010年上海世博会制定市场开发总体规划。2002年,他带领的万博宣伟全球团队,通过全球公关活动,帮助上海市政府成功申办了2010年世博会。该活动也因此而获得了殊荣。邵宁先生参与过众多跨国公司的在华项目,他曾服务过的客户包括万豪国际、洛克希德马丁、北曼、探索频道、IMAX、Reynolds金属公司、卡尔森、林肯电子、Lowe、休斯网络系统。他还曾为约翰-霍普金斯医学院和波士顿科学国际公司提供专业咨询,并协助许多中美客户开展公司管理和领导力方面的培训。邵宁先生在马里兰大学帕克学院完成了三年公共政策博士课程,并拥有密西根大学的国际关系学硕士学位。此前,他曾在安徽大学和北京的外交学院学习。

陈越 先生
美国管理会计师协会董事会董事、驻中国代表,美国国际管理研究院MBA,美国Goshen College会计学本科,他同时还是国际金融协会董事,美国注册会师协会、美国内部审计师协会、英国国际会计师协会的会员,由于他在多个领域取得的杰出成就,2003年入选世界名人录,2002年入选北美名人录。他曾先后就任Bank of East Asia USA北美总部副总裁,Bowne&Co.高级财务分析师,Orion Telecommunication Corp.高级财务分析师等。

张序诚 先生

国际培训与发展协会(International Training & Development Association)执行董事、副主席,他具有八年的销售和市场营销经验以及十七年的培训经验。他曾经先后担任3M亚太地区人力资源发展部负责人,Franklin Covey中国区首席顾问。张序诚先生在明尼苏达州圣保罗市的3M公司总部工作过两年。他在3M公司担任亚太地区13个国家销售发展部负责人的时候,曾在亚洲许多国家工作过。

李崇基 女士

现任毕马威华振会计师事务所咨询总监。毕马威是全球四大会计师事务所之一。李小姐毕业于美国加利福尼亚伯克莱大学,并荣获经济学学位。在美国工作期间,李小姐获得了美国注册会计师证书。她还曾任职上海华信惠悦(Watson Wyatt Shanghai)的董事总经理,并曾在安达信会计师事务所担任咨询经理。

Jim Clemmer吉姆-克莱默 先生
吉姆-克莱默,国际公认的领导力、变革管理及企业文化专家。在过去的25年里,他执行了超过2千种客户定制化的企业咨询。拥有权威的CSP资格,他还是加拿大领先的咨询和培训公司Achieve Group的创始人。

Robin Ball 先生
香港OI Partners的创建者。他有着25年以上的管理实施和发展员工两方面的经验。悉尼Macquarie大学人力资源管理硕士学位,1995建立起管理发展服务公司,即MDS。

Mr. Marshall Goldsmith
He is the vanguard and luminary of global instructor of senior leaders. He is not only a senior leader, CEO and leadership coach of his team in excellent enterprise but also a outstanding educator, elocutionist and author of many famous leadership literatures. He is "one of 50 considerers and business leaders who have weightiest impact to management vacation" commented by AMA, "one of 5 executive coaches who are most respected" commented by Fubusi.

Mr. Ning Shao
Ning Shao directs the Robert H. Smith School of Business operations and programs in Asia. An expert on strategic business development and public affairs, Shao has counseled over one hundred international firms, government and NGO organizations on doing business in China over the past 20 years. He was the architect of the State of Maryland's public-private partnership for China, and has been managing the State of Maryland China operations since 1993.

More recently, Shao initiated and led an Interpublic Group Task Force to work on the 2010 Shanghai Expo Marketing Development Master Plan, and in 2002, he led a Weber Shandwick global team that delivered the award-winning global communication campaign supporting Shanghai's successful bid for World Expo 2010.

For multinational companies in China, Shao has worked on a diverse range of projects for corporate clients such as Marriott International, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Discovery Channel, IMAX, Reynolds Metals, Carlson Companies, Lincoln Electronics, Lowe, and Hughes Network Systems. He also provided counsel on China to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Boston Scientific and has facilitated corporate management and leadership training for many Chinese and U.S. clients.

Shao studied in a doctoral program in public policy for three years at the University of Maryland, College Park, and holds an MA degree in international relations from Michigan State University. He has also studied at Chinese universities including the Foreign Affairs College in Beijing and Anhui University.

Mr. Yue Chen
Trustee and representative station in China of IMA , MBA of America international management institution, bachelor of accounting in Goshen College, trustee of international financial institute and member of AICPA、American internal auditor institute and England international accountant institute. He had been elected as famous person around the world in 2003, elected as famous person around North America since his excellent achievement for variety of domain. He had been vice president of Bank of East Asia USA in North American, senior financial analyst of Bowne&Co. , senior financial analyst of Orion Telecommunication Corp.

Mr. Jim Clemmer
He is acknowledged professional of leadership, innovation management and corporation culture. In the past 25 years, he executed above 2 thousands customized corporation consulting. He possessed CSP qualification while being the patriarch of Achieve Group.

Robin Ball
He is the contriver of OI Partners. He has above 25 years experiences about management executive and personnel development. He got bachelor of human resource management from Sydney Macquarie University. He built up management & development services, MDS in 1995.

Mr. Jieqiang Ma
He is the chairman of IPMA-HR China branch, doctor of corporation strategy, MBA, industry bachelor, famous professional about "from strategy to performance" in China, Executive dean of Beijing Kaplan BSC institution. He created 10 steps Kaplan BSC for practice in China, seamless service module and management pattern of strategic executive, group management, management of unitary conglomerating and 9 factor performance management module.

"大中华区年度人力资源评选"(Annual Human Resources Awards of Greater China )由HR管理世界、《世界管理评论》每年一度举办,是目前大中华地区最权威、规模领先、层次最高、最受瞩目的人力资源评选。该评选奖项分别为“大中华区人力资源最有价值专家”(Most Valuable HR Professional of Greater China)、“大中华区最佳人力资源经理人(Best HR Manager of Greater China)”、“大中华地区最佳人力资源服务机构(Best HR Service Providers of Greater China)”,迄今已举办三届,数十位人力资源专家、经理人和机构获奖。
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